Thursday, May 8


This is the introduction to a section where between things I talk about photography at least as I experienced it at the time looking at equipment  and its usage that was originally a stand alone blog
Photography for me was a passion from late in junior school through the boarding I school I attended where Andy and I often took pictures particular on school trips such as zoo visits, hiking and the school residential trips we went.
I also took pictures of things such as air shows and family holidays and it was that which eventually lead to me moving away from all in one cameras like my beloved Lubitel 122B medium format TLR, a Kodak instant camera I had for part of the eighties and the much hyped Kodak Disk system one I had toward a Single Lens Reflex camera system.
This part of the blog covers that film SLR system which will contain posts on the bodies, lenses and other accessories I have for the system as I put together in dribs and drabs at the time.
The Minolta Camera Co of Japan was take over by Sony electronics in the mid 2000's.