Favourite Sites

A list of sites in no particular order connected with either Boyhood or being an Adult Schoolboy.

A non kink Boys Regression Forum I have can be found here: 
Uniformed Regressors
Do note we don't have spanking content  whatever your own life may or may not include as TapaTalk don't like anything they see as Adult Content while we're regressing in uniform which isn't and naturally No under  aged 18's and No kids pix.

Crunchyroll - #1 Streamed anime site with forums and groups

Blue Peter The web page on the BBC of this boys all time favourite tv show

Lego  The official site of our favourite play thing.

Hornby The offical site of this boys favourite activity playing with trains

Meccano The official site of modern Meccano the original version was a boyhood favourite construction toy.

Top Trumps The site of the factual card game I loved as mid teen boy

The FA the governing body of the sport all boys including me love

Albert Prendergast Supplier of quality scouting and school boy of your past uniform and attire.

This Is School
A site about traditional school based Girls Fiction which you may of read as a child

Alice Town Trails
Trails around the Alice In Wonderland theme in Llandudno, Wales

A littles understanding  
An interesting site looking what being a  Little is

A good recent mainstream article on embracing your 'inner child' can be found here:
Do-childish-Because-infantile-pleasures-unleash-pure-delight (Daily Mail)

Because sometimes being an adult little boy can bring similar issues to being a child here's a good link looking at parenting that may help caregivers/'daddies'
The three D's of discipline

Microdream A good supplier of value for money refurbished computers in the United Kingdom I can recommend.

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