Tuesday, February 10

135mm MD telephoto lens.

Introducing the 135mm f3.5 MD telephoto lens.

A few months after my last entry, I've managed to track down a MD series version to fully couple with the Shutter Priority AE mode of the XD7 and program mode of the X700 bodies that have an extra coupling that relays the minimum aperture information to the cameras exposure control system. As with all the MD lenses introduced after 1982, it features the Green coloured minimum aperture selected lock to ensure if you're using it in program mode, your lens can't drift off the right setting.
The version I chose was the F3.5mm version as it only loses a half F stop over the F2.8 classic with the advantages of only weighing 285 grams and using a 49mm filter thread which is the same as the standard and modest wide angle lenses, making using polarizers and square system filters easier in the field.
Lens number 8083468.