Saturday, June 20

Summer Meadowland

Meadowland. Taken June 17 2015. Minolta X500, Tamron 28-70 lens on Fuji Superia 200.

Monday, June 8

Tamron 35-70 - small, fast and convenient

In view of the fact I don't have a 35mm lens for my XD7 and X500 cameras, I acquired a relatively fast zoom lens that covered the focal length
Coming out in the early 80's, the Tamron 17A 35 through 70mm has a constant aperture settings throughout its zoom range making metering manually very easy and having a F3.5 maximum aperture gives a clear bright image that aids focusing.
That was much appreciated looking  though the viewfinder of the X500 this morning.
It takes a serviceable 58mm sized filter which happens to be the same as the 103A 80-210 telezoom.
While no substitute for a genuine macro lens, its close focusing is a very useful 1:2:8 just about a third lifesize which is good for flowers or say pebbles on a beach.
It is relatively light weight too that helps for hand-held photography and is currently mounted to Minolta MD.
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