Sunday, July 5

35mm F2.8 MD moderate Wide angle

There I was thinking I'd pretty much wrapped up this business of MC and MD coupled lenses for my X500 and XD7 as I came by another I couldn't just pass up.
This is the later post 1981 version of the MD 35mm F2.8 moderate wideangle with the plastic aperture control and the Minimum Aperture lock for the X700's program mode and potentially at least the Shutter Priority mode of the XD7.
Serial # 8005455
Perhaps unlike a good number of amateur photographers, I find this focal length is my wide angle go to one, packing in more of a scene, adding that distant perspective without  as many issues with converging verticals all in a light pin sharp form.
It lends itself to vacationing as the on the body general purpose one not that I don't have a use for the Tamron 28mm F2.5 for pure landscapes where it's greater distant perspective adds something.
The 50mm always lives in my bag or coat pocket for anything requiring a more neutral perspective or coupling to the Teleplus 2x Macro converter for upto 1:1 reproduction ration close ups.
Like a few pros I feel that 28mm isn't a good choice for group shots as it leads to people at the edges looking distorted proportionately.
The other change of this era was new designs of lenses lost the Rokkor branding and at least two zooms were made for Minolta under license by Cosina to fight off independent zoom options that were packaged by photo retailers instead of their own which didn't quite match the performance of their earlier versions

Friday, July 3

Equine adventures

This week I did go out to do a bit of film photography as normally for blogging I tend to rely on my trusty Canon digital compact camera and took these two horses on the Minolta X500 using the Minolta Tele Rokkor 300mm F5.6 MC lens with Fuji Superia 200 film.
I love horses and these two were nearby.