Friday, January 13

Still life subjects

It's kind of funny really cos one thing I knew people do in photography is posed still lifes of various objects such as cups, pebbles, flowers or even fruit but the one thing I would of loved to had done if I'd of had the equipment I now have would of been to have taken posed photos of my toy soldiers that most days I was home I'd play with.

Unfortunately they got given away when I was about fifteen even though I played with them and had been moving toward the idea of collecting things otherwise I'd do that now.

Friday, January 6

New Year Reflections

I am going to write a few words today about  me on this note as things have changed quite a lot since I originally started thinking about myself rather than just blogging about photography which I did after my first short lived blog on Friends Reunited in 2005.
I have a different focus running in my life than a good number people, some of which has been hinted at here, others perhaps on other sites in the past and it is fair to say that side of me is very much the prevailing one which has yet to have full expression elsewhere.
When in some ways you are "younger than your years" and that's a central part of you in reality there is only limited scope for much else  and I had found in so many ways there was little to post on this blog to really justify the amount of time a decent blogging cycle for it with it just being photography centred.
I was finding generally the only stuff that was being talked about was how I capture memories of this life as most of my other interests were and are connected more to that younger, more child-like side of me which I can now see is where I always was.
I am beginning to feel like talking a bit more about "the real me" the side that does the things that I document or try to capture to go back to that time in my life because I think to handle whatever life throws at you, you need to feel in control of that sense of you and that's what this years been all about.