Friday, December 27

2024 Review


The year began with a few constant things such as a week punctuated by the arrival of comics as it was back in the 70's and early 80's from a mixture of the new such as the Pheonix, Commando the D C Thomson part reprint part new story war based adventure comic, the monthly Adventure Plus Max mixing a short story with comic strips, a quiz and some humanties based facts althouh mysteriously my account got disrupted at the end of the first season of the year and Monster Fun.

Monster Fun mysteriously stopped at the Decemember issue although a issue for January had been planned with no real warning which was very sad as had been going great guns with real bio-kid involvement, moving to a monthly and even having some subscriber specials.

Having spent a fair bit on Little Boy clothing and refined appearences to allow for more blending in during  the school hols I only needed to renew a few sweatshirts of the sort favoured by a number of Junior schools today, more period socks including banding free grey ones which stick out a bit less and some Cub inspired uniform items,

I got out more than I did in 2023 spending days with the more likemind for very much totally innocent child-like fun with not one jolt of anything kink, ikky or off whatever some may choose to believe. They could not be more wrong if they tried.

Musically we did on balence spend more on records often new reissues as we found they sounded better than previous cd editions and a few choice used titles from a handful of quality sellers.

Major buys being most of the 1964 U.S. Beatles albums in mono, a seperate post of which was made about and the Now Yearbook three lp issues of hits from the 1970's which replaced long lost Ktel or re-recorded Hallmark Top Of The Pops compilations bought at the time.

A small group of beautique classical record reissues were bought as were the odd used title although given most classical output is on cd, most brand new recordings were brought in that format.

The domestic arrangments whilke prone to some incidents had settled down with things more understood although things like Respiritory virus did cause issues in October and Novemeber.

We should be away in February although I'll need to catch a train towards Herefordshire for the first leg of it which should be fun.

Onwards and upwards regardless of pressures is more my plan for the New Year.

Friday, December 20

Christmas pause edition 2024

This week is the last week before Christmas and some of reason for the delay was that I was away with little friends across the weekenbd where we did things like pin the Reindeer's nose blinded, played "pointless", a Xmas themed Bingo and had a party.

I handed out cards.

We did also have a meal together  before leaving although my train was delayed by some thirteen minutes due to difficulties locating staff which was better than finding as some services did not run as the drivers are not contracted to work weekends and refused to turn out to work leaving people stranded.

My Aunt who has health complications visited on Tuesday for a good hour or so which was good.

Just another day to see on the Advent calender and it'll be upon us.

Happy Christmas folks and all the best for the New Year.

Friday, December 13

Moving to end of Term

It's not quite Christmas according to a song playing on the radio which to be honest it can't be from the last regular one of 2022, things are a bit a bit low key indeed I've only just get started writing a few cards.

An added thing this year has been the computer change with lots of restoring and getting programs back on that unlike in the past aren't on discs to just load in with product codes but need downloading.

This time of year usually takes me back to school activities like the many plays and pantos I took a part in be it a a non speaking part or speaking and having to learn the words to songs to sing on stage to an audience of vistors, staff, younger children and obviously parents including your own.

You sorted out ways of memorizing your lines and stage directions, learned to hold you head high as you forgot them had ahem "wardrobe malfunctions" during practise sessions and finally did it well.

We had the Crimbo Party  and Dinner where we tried to be a be a bit more grown up even through we were still on fruit juice with our sandwiches and Xmas Puddings that still contained a six pence before health and safety stepped in saying we might swallow them.

Finally we had the Xmas Assembly with its readings and carols  followed by announcements of which the last was to be good and help at home.

Next week should be the last "proper" entry before Christmas Day where I take a bit of a pause.

Friday, December 6

Musing Friday

After the last couple of post which were uncharacteristically music related as we are starting the slow countdown to Crimbo here we are going a bit more back to what the blog evolved into.

I can hardly say about cos as the "back end" of this blog rather shows originally it was photography led but that was because I was trying to document things about my past, capturing memories while they were relatively fresh.

Everybody has their era and with me it crosses decades but in some ways starting formal education as the 1960's moved into the 1970's did kind of suit me and I was glad even with my disabilities that at school, church, things like cubs too, we were expected and were brought up to look smart.

We dressed up to go to the cinema, theatre and to eat out because it was an event, an experience that was seen as one where how we projected oursleves mattered.

Not for us thrown on casual attire but dress shirts, ties that had to be fastened, creased short trousers and socks that had to be straight up with shoes you were expected to polish yourself.

Being more dressed like those boys as just normal and even when out I had a childs version of a sports type blazer not connected with your school one you'd wear to restaurants and a proper folded hankichief.

With that and your manners we were always welcomed back, respected, people who would be "gentlemen" in your later life equally respected by your community.

It would be great to see more of that about today's boys as much as a good deal has changed over the decades from when I were a lad.