Friday, March 9

Birthday Boy

Birthdays are both a important part of your social life as a boy because you often have friends over for tea and some kind of games such as pass the parcel, board games or maybe a kick about.
They came be awkward too for those family members who you don't really get on with but nonetheless mommy and daddy have invited least they be offended or for what I tend to call the wrong kind of presents.
They can be things you all ready have so are pretty boring, things that if they truly knew me they'd know I just don't like but cos maybe most boys do they assume I'm the same or if they're clothes they tend to be miles too big cos I'm small for my age.
I like teddy bears and oddly enough for a boy dolls although I do like models and music and this year I have some cds seeing it was my actual birthday a few days ago plus I love birthday cake to share.
I like to read and had this book which may be for girls but I like the whole series anyway.

Something that's a bit awkward is birthday focus peoples minds on your age and how you have developed especially if they haven't seen you for a while. The thing with me is I haven't much because of how I am so I don't have what adults call milestones outside of stuff connected with school like tests and exams so I am still a little boy except I'm taller and maybe weigh a bit more than I did.
It's kind of fitting then I tidy myself up and wear my shorts on my day as that's still me.

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