Friday, July 20

Summer Holiday specials part 2

As a few of you might just be aware I'm off for a few days with friends so won't be around on a few sites and that.

One thing I'll have with me though in time honoured tradition will be some reading material of the sort associated childhood holidays that I did talk about a few weeks ago.
Unfortunately this is 2018, not 2008 or even 1978 so rather than calling in my local newsagent who'd also stock cherryaid to go with the dandelion and burdock, I had to order them online to be delivered to the door.

The Beano is published weekly and thankfully back now in print after a digital only spell and so has new strips all of which have been themed on a Summer Holiday in Beanotown so we have such all time favourites as Minnie The Minx, Dennis the Menace (although like a few characters he's been toned down and redrawn since my childhood), Roger the Dodger, Ball Boy and the Bash Street Kids  in addition to newer series like Bananaman and Rubi JJ Pie Face.

This clearly while tapping into the retro market is mainly for today's boys and girls in their childhood world which while similar to ours needless to say has more celebrity and technology in than ours. 
One difference between the two is the Dandy as a comic no longer in weekly production, is more a retro summer special with reprints from previous ones from the 60's, 70's and 80's rather having a few new token cartoon strips drawn so it acts more as a compilation of past issues and in some ways pulls me more into that ten year old boy I was then reading Korky the Kat and Beryl the Peril and life in that era.

It's like stepping into the past and reading the same cartoon strips as is.

In general the printing quality was better than those I recall during the 1970's being not just more colourful but sharper

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