Friday, February 22

Eyes peeled

A winter week spent scouting can lead to you noticing things that might ordinary passed you by which is why I believe passionately in (re) learning alertness and observation skills and one example is how there seems to be a unmade trail to this arch of trees.
In what is a very vulnerable section of woodland with a road hidden in the distance not only can you make out the pattern but also is valuable structure.
Here two trees frame effectively the backdrop of woodland.
Here you can see the living organisms in the tree on these two branches that go off in a V like formation.

Surveying the countryside in all its glory in Shropshire with fields and hedgerows in time honoured style (*)

These pictures were taken on the Nikon Dslr apart from * using the aperture priority auto exposure mode that allows quick working at the same time as keeping full control over what either side of the subject is in sharp focus

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