Friday, May 31

Dandy Summer Special 2019

It's very much that time of the year where boyhood rituals come flying back in full colour as if you were like me summer meant school breaking up in July, summer hols with your folks or if you were super lucky some activity centre with other boys (and maybe the odd girl) and getting the Summer Special editions of your favourite comics.
A summer special was just that in an era where comics were published on regular newsprint with muted colours and that's if you were lucky cos some comic strips were either black and white or say red and black on white, the summer special was the 'deluxe' edition.
Deluxe because it used better quality magazine paper which was also a bit thicker, the comic strips were full colour through out with cut outs and games included too.
They were then mini Annuals in lots of ways but the stories had a connection to summer which made them the thing to pack when you went on your hols

The Dandy run unto 2012 where it was axed much to the dismay of this blog writer but it has both a Annual published will in time for the Christmas market and a Summer Special like this years.
D C Thomson understand the legacy and nostalgia The Dandy has decided  to produce these specials to the now adult boys and girls who grew up on them and unlike say this years beano which is mainly for today's children with new cartoon strips being drawn decided instead to reproduce in full a selection of stories from past summer specials that draw us in.
To read the adventures Winker Watson, Desperate Dan and Korky the cat is to be back in that space as the boys (or girls) we were back then reading and laughing at their adventures.
There are some illustrations of the original summer special covers such as the one above for good measure too.
For me then having a summer special like this is just perfect as an adult little boy because it takes me back to that boyhood past. Recommended and available from bigger W H Smiths or D C Thomson's website (no need to create an account, just provide delivery info and pay by Card or PayPal).

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