Friday, May 10

Welcome to May

Monday saw May Day bank holiday over here which may be a bit cooler than the seasonal norm.
While running errands this week on a patch of land I noticed these two horses out on a day with hazy sunshine.

They were being playful so I took this picture with the camera set to Iso 200, F5.8 @1/500 of them in a small holding nearby.
One thing that is marked in much of the Midlands around May Day is Maypole Dancing which is shown in this photograph from the Birmingham Mail archives and even in 2019 is still happening in many of our schools.
Dancing the maypole is something I well recall doing from when I was eight  to ten years of age in junior school when Mrs Sant, our year teacher had us outside, bringing with her a portable tape recorder with the music on as we were shown how to dance, holding the ribbons weaving them ready to perform for the school spring fair.

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