Friday, June 14

Dogs and I

Dogs were very much on the edge of my life growing up as we only had one briefly when I was very young and he went off the rails unfortunately so the only dogs I interacted with were those of my relatives one of which had a definite thing for Dashounds  and Labradors or the Alsatian one of my teachers in the third and fourth form had and to which I took for long walks.
I mainly encounter dogs today when I go for short walks or are otherwise engaged in more scout like activity when they're being taken out by their owners, a number of which I have got friendly with in recent years.
In the last few days however I haven't been able to get about as much as I'd like due to the very severe rainfall we've been having something in the region of over two months worth in as many days and indeed as I managed to nip out for a half hour earlier on as I'm typing this, it's pouring down.
One hopes this will clear away so we can have more of a real summer this year as much as last year it was very hot and dry.

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