Friday, September 27

Stamps and awards

It's a Friday so after updating my Wordpress back ups and doing my usual scouting blog  on here - link at the top - I'm writing this weeks blog.
Stamp collecting always was a thing with me but in connection with another interest of mine that does tie into alb age regression life with me I received a small parcel that contained the following unfranked stamps that I thought so interesting I'd write something  about them.
Going from the left we have a stamp commemorating the "The Most Ancient Nobel ORDER of the THISTLE Tencentury of the Revival, Middle right one female authors Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre and the European Assembly Elections from 1979!
By when this gets printed paws crossed Automattic Inc should be running Tumblr assuming my tumblrs are still up and intact rather than Yahoo/Verizon /Oath Holdings Inc so we'll see what their plans are for that place we use are.
On Thursdays Blue Peter a new Badge (right) was launched to tie in with BBC Music Day on Sept 26 by the British singer Ed Sheeran and the show featured an appearance by Sir Paul McCartney.
Sir Paul said "Music was really important to me growing up and I hope this badge will inspire more kids to get into it."
The badge will be awarded to boys and girls from five to fifteen years of age who
*  Writing in to Blue Peter saying how the enjoy MAKING music
*  Ask a parent, grandparent or teacher about their musical memories
*  Tell Blue Peter their top three songs of all time
As someone who played music at school and enjoys musical performance I think this is a good idea especially for those who may find academic interests hard going.
While I'm not so sure he should have what suggests to someone brought up when I was a ash tray on that table, I am happy to have reverted very much to looking like the eternal schoolboy in so many ways I am with a minimal adult role and presenting openly the way I am simply because vast chunks of what I need to function as an adult simple are not there and all else leads to assuming far more than I capable of.  
Summer has passed with heavy showers earlier on in the week so it's as well I have new waterproof jackets for when I'm out that do look good with my usual uniform on.

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