Thursday, January 2

The 2019 review

Hello there!
We start this year ending piece with a bit of news which is my old mobile phone got lost and so I have had another one.
It's dark grey most suitable, matching my shorts, has a FM radio plus torch being just a phone for calls and SMS as I don't do internet on the move needing something in case I need help while scouting or travelling to book a cab.

That takes me to one thing as while I blog more around scouting pasts and present on the other blog, this blog saw more posts around exploring and scouting this year where I visited places like Shropshire, doing some photography.

That was aided a lot by buying the Nikon D3500 digital single lens reflex camera which as you've really read this blog, the old blog posts around photography are on it from the days of using my Minolta X500 film camera learning framing, focusing and exposure control.

I bought a few lenses to go with with it like a Telephoto zoom, a Macro lens that has full size close up picture taking abilities and a fixed length wide aperture high quality 'standard' lens for nature work as modern zoom lenses have come closer to the quality of the array of fixed length lenses I have with the Minolta.

It was as I said early last year it would be "The year of The Boy" and in many ways it was because while some elements such as presentation featured, getting more 'classic' school boy attire and even for the first time in eons even having an Aunt see me just before Christmas in my green jersey, white shirt and grey shorts looking more the boy, it wasn't just that.

It was that I had moved on from that ambiguity and some of the company that had left me for a period in a pretty bad spot personally to the point that in other places I moved  accounts from being ungendered to male, writing posts clearly as one and finding I was being affirmed and treated as just that.

It just felt right to me as did increasingly talk more online and privately about what it meant, the trends that concerned me as a male as I regained that whole sense of male identity that has done wonders for me.

On the Tumblr front, they changed ownership to Automattic,inc but the madness continued as we lost a few classic accounts such as School Outfitter who is missed and a few others reinvented themselves for a second chance.

l did regain unexpectedly after a long long wait the original ThatSchoolboy2 account in late July just as I was going on a ALB break where a sheepish email acknowledged there had in fact been no reason to deactivate it at all.

So far I've had no posts flagged or deleted although I am being super careful and am backing up the best of TSB and TSB2 posts now all on that original account to Wordpress with added commentary.

My forum is still running for conversation free from the issues at Tumblr.

Going forward it will be another year of The Boy, supremely confident of who he is and his place in it, who will explore building up character and interests as that boy sharing them with other boys (and men) taking his place alongside them, proud to be a real boy.

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