Friday, February 28

My week away from Tumblr

Okay folks I have actually returned in more than one sense because what we have is a few pictures taken while away and of course after my original very short lived blog on Friends Reunited, my only other blog which has been folded into this was a Photography blog.

Eaves Wood on the Lancashire and Westmoreland* border which once I got to it wasn't so bad to get around although the forestry people were doing a little tree management given storm damage in that area.
The awkward bit was walking through muddy, soggy fields which also included streams that resulted in mud splashes and one falling down!
Morecambe Bay on the Lancashire side with its sand which you have to be very careful over .

This is the "Pepper Pot", a Victorian monument from 1857 in Silverdale built to mark the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria with impressive views toward Arnside, Westmoreland.
Getting off here required walking on jagged rocks!!!

Public notices in Arnside.

* There was a mish-mash of the area in April 1974 that removed officially Westmoreland although locals use it and detached North Lancashire including Barrow on Furness from Lancashire, renaming it all "Cumbria", which is an artificial construct of Civil Servants.

Pictures thanks to a Nikon D3500 and the 18-55mm VR zoom lens.

Friday, February 21

Away week edition - The Boy and the Trains

This is being published thanks to the scheduler function as while you may be reading this I will be making my way back home with possibly one stop having been away for short while refreshing this boys batteries.

This is Carnforth railway station in Lancashire out and about visiting things which I'll post over the next few weeks.

I'd of been in toned down uniform as the plan did involve some suitably wolf cub like rovering, gathering things for art projects, going on hikes in the great outdoors so a little bit of thought to how some items *may* look to the muggles helps although to be honest everybody accepts me as that "Little Boy" here with those changes. 
I'll talk about those bits next week

One thing that used to irritate me was how dad always took us to train places when we'd rather do other things  so one thing I have been doing is visiting those things from the side the boyish me loved on my own terms.

The Museum at Carnforth Station and then on to a live steam railway.

Plumpton Bear

The very train I travelled on from Haverthwaite to Lakeside and back by steam traction.
In the engine shed, the smell of oil bought back boyhood memories of the many sheds I went around but I was in here cos I felt I belonged, talking with men about the exhibits on my terms.
I always loved engineering as a boy and today I felt at peace with being here and being who I am. A boy.

That to me is the point apart from going places I've never been before and creating new 'little memories' which bearing in mind my disabilities is no bad thing at all as helps when I'm not so good and also helps with my memory which I have problems with.

I am moving on.

See you next week!

Friday, February 14

Strange weather

This week has been an odd one with storm winds at the weekend causing power outages, trees being blown over giving way on Monday to snow which that was a picture I just grabbed while bringing the milk in, as you do.

Fortunately the postman was able to call with my copy of Kick magazine  so I can overdose on footie as ever and I should be getting a few more tapes to record stuff onto having redone my Def Leppard albums this weekend while it wasn't so good to be out.

There will as I mentioned on my Tumblr be a pause as I'm going to be away for a few days so nothing being posted on them and there should be a post on here which will be the dry run for March where I'm afraid the Adult World wants a fortnight of my time so I have been setting things up for that to run on the blogs. 

The Tumblrs will only receive attention when I'm able to which will be weekends and just maybe the odd reblog on week days if we're lucky.

I've just got to sort out stuff to take with me.

Friday, February 7

The Mouse and the Motorcycle

After last week's musical with childhood notes excursion we're back to more regular ground  here after spending a few weeks with a few friends reading The Mouse and the Motorcycle from cover to cover. 
You see, and I'm no expert on literature, actually that had it of come from this side of the Atlantic would be seen a classic Boys Own  novel which of course it is really because the motorvation was writing for her (Beverly Cleary's) son and no girls are involved.

It captures that boyhood friendship between the mouse in room 216 and him at a level we'd get, the trust and betrayal when Ralph loses Keith's beloved motorcycle but how Ralph risked his life to get him the aspirin that saved his life from a fever.

Keith could of been any of us at the age of eight or nine with our collections of toy cars we'd play and Beverly's son did play with them while sick as many of us did, capable of striking up a friendship over shared interests.

And we're all carrying around a bit of 'Keith' as sophisticated as we may feel as much as we all can identify with Ralph's longing for freedom, independence and adventure  being probably as reckless in his innocence too, having scrapes in our pasts.

To me, between the pages of The Mouse and the Motocycle lies the spirit of boyhood in rude health .

Let's drink to it.