Friday, February 14

Strange weather

This week has been an odd one with storm winds at the weekend causing power outages, trees being blown over giving way on Monday to snow which that was a picture I just grabbed while bringing the milk in, as you do.

Fortunately the postman was able to call with my copy of Kick magazine  so I can overdose on footie as ever and I should be getting a few more tapes to record stuff onto having redone my Def Leppard albums this weekend while it wasn't so good to be out.

There will as I mentioned on my Tumblr be a pause as I'm going to be away for a few days so nothing being posted on them and there should be a post on here which will be the dry run for March where I'm afraid the Adult World wants a fortnight of my time so I have been setting things up for that to run on the blogs. 

The Tumblrs will only receive attention when I'm able to which will be weekends and just maybe the odd reblog on week days if we're lucky.

I've just got to sort out stuff to take with me.

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