Friday, May 1

May weekend edition

Today is May 1st which up to early last year would of meant we'd enter the weekend leading to May Bank Holiday which would be the 4th as it is the nearest Monday but that got knocked on its head by marking the 75 Anniversary of Victory In Europe day.

As much of that wouldn't be happening as planned thanks to Coronavirus, I'm marking the day it was meant to be after all!
It still is a thing although like most things this year it's off thanks to that virus, dancing around the Maypole whither it's in a town square or as here in a school playground has always been a sign of May, a much cherished tradition.

It was something I did in Juniors as hard as it was every year, practising the steps polishing up our plimsolls and having to wear white socks which wasn't really what we wanted as we liked our grey ones much more.

This is great picture when boys looked very much like schoolboys and the girls looked better in summer dresses
May isn't all about just that though as they days are getting longer and often quite sunny so walks in the woods may be on offer as it in this picture taken in North Derbyshire with boys enjoying a walk in the woods balancing on a tree trunk enjoying it.
Time alone to do things just as boys does matter and I hope once we get back to something like near normal people will organize sessions just for boys to let of steam enjoying being themselves getting to know one another.

I should be out most of this weekend enjoying the weather around the farms and woodland here just like they are.

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