Friday, August 21

Pasts and the present

While some actual schoolboys have been very frustrated around their examination results this week which perhaps the word chaotic and the phrase "a shambles" is justified while it's been raining I've been getting around to doing a few things like putting up a few posters that tie in with my past.

Corgi cars and others such as those by Matchbox manufactured by Lesney were things that featured in my boyhood so it's nice to have iconic posters around
That's a small number of them.

 Tin Tin as in The Adventures of  was something I followed reading the books and watching on tv at the time although his past has come under much scrutiny in recent years and it can't be denied some scenes do reflect the less than charitable views Belgium had toward Africans in their then colonies.
It's right to be aware of such things but can we say in fifty years time many of our attitudes might be seen in the same way we do now?

I feel it's better to acknowledge the past and learn from it rather than re-writing or airbrushing it as if it never happened.

It's also how I look at my life experiences.

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