Friday, September 18


It's been a warm week so I've been outdoors a lot exploring, playing and I do have my own swing actually and thinking a bit about this side of life.

The thing was back when I was originally young for one thing there were not disabled friendly playgrounds with activities for all and most involved rather more agility and often spinning at speed which if you suffer from motion sickness even at modest speeds isn't much good.

It wasn't that I didn't like thrill of speed, it just made me ill.

There wasn't then much exploratory play such was tunnels you could worm your way through or what is called "soft play".

The other thing was surfaces then were hard either concrete slabs or tarmac which as I found out and am still living with consequences of can cause series long term injuries as much as we accept however unpleasant it is a grazed knee doesn't last forever and we have to take risks in life.

The weekend was joyful for the happy squeals of children playing in the park, dashing about on their bikes in groups playing and having fun together.

That's a big part of what Childhood is about either as that child or enjoying a more child-like life as a legal adult.

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