Friday, November 27

Advent and local locomotion

We are almost into December now which does remind me to say there will be a change in publishing schedule towards the end of that month due to Christmas and that there will be Christmas Day special edition.

Connected with that as crazy as this year has been the time honoured tradition on Blue Peter to mark Advent this year by making an Advent Calendar and Mwaksy launched the seasonal countdown yesterday on the show.

The above is the original Advent Crown with the late much missed John Noakes, an early classic BP make.

Getting back on track, I do like trains and here's some local train pictures.

This is 46254, the City of Stoke-on-Trent taken in the area.

Stoke-on-Trent's Victorian railway station and the area around the North Stafford Hotel are part of the Stoke conservation area.

It is two miles outside the city centre but there are buses and taxis to take you to it.

It was built for the North Staffordshire Railway company whose network went up as far a Macclesfield in East Cheshire and has trains to Derby, the West Midlands and London operating from it.

It doesn't compare well with nearby Crewe but as a major rail hub frankly nothing does but at least it's not far, two stops on the Crewe-Derby East Midlands Railway service.

North Staffordshire was for a long time a centre not only of the Ceramics industry but also coal mining which within living memory people where I live walked or cycled to the local pit to work underground.

Mines needed a means of carrying all that coal out so dotted about our City Region we have former colliery railways such as this at Apedale near Newcastle Under Lyme that have open days.

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