Friday, November 6

Deja Vu and reset

This Saturday wasn't like most others which for me usually involves things like keeping up with the footie results, possibly watching a live game if it's on BT Sports or the BBC as well as the Rugby and that but after a unauthorized disclosure of a meetings discussion our Prime Minister announced that parliament vote permitting, we were to stay at home outside of work unless it cannot be done from home or your at school, college or university and "non essential" shops and services like Barbers and Gyms were to shut. 

I avoid politics on this blog for a good reason but sufficient to say at least this time the Parks will be open which was  problem before.

As we can go out for fresh air and exercise, I've decided I'm going to be staying outside in my grey school shorts and uniform and just enjoy this as long as it runs for- probably about a month -  as time to be the boy I am and follow what the grown ups tell me  which was pretty much what happened in March and as hard as it's been, that's been better for me than attempting anything remotely adult.

You may remember from last September how I talked about the termination of Kickaround, the quality Monthly children's soccer magazine and how I had a subscription to Kick! instead.

That was up for renewal so I have decided to get Match of the Day magazine instead as it does have more content, quizzes and facts acting as a football supplement outside of the daily news on the likes of the BBC .

Originally it was a weekly but thanks to Covid it's become fortnightly which I think is a good balance between having enough material to entertain while keeping that element of something to look forward to.

It was Guy Fawkes Night yesterday although the official displays were cancelled.

This was one of themes of last nights Blue Peter where they had a bonfire upon which toasted marshmallows were made and a fireworks display.

They also talked about keeping safe not just for children and grown ups but also pets as many people were having as in this district we did our own in back gardens.

This weekend, specifically Sunday is Remembrance Sunday here in the UK where we remember the sacrifice of those who gave their life four our freedom and where many scouts and scout leaders played important roles in both World Wars both at home and in gaining our victory at great cost.

Sadly thanks to Covid today won't be the same as it normally would due to social distancing rules but many will be out their front doors marking it, as we should.

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