Friday, January 22

Snowy Fridays


Go on, have a guess what's being doing here?

Well yes, it is a very white production outside as we've had heavy snow here in North Staffordshire where much of Northern England has been dealing with severe flooding so we have snow disruption and they've got another sort.

Given this is a good few inches, it's rather more than I can safely wobbling around so I'm very much indoors as I type this up.

Listening to the radio was something I did and actually I recall my Grandfather on Mummy's side of the family often listening carefully to the scores before he set off for work as he was both an avid football fan and illiterate only just looking at pictures in newspapers.

I've been reading some of my annuals I had for Christmas and the latest issue of AdventureBox Max's short story which is set in renaissance Italy looking at the development of flight.

You can guess what is on my mind...

Fresh hot food in a scene which is very close to how it was at home growing up where we'd all dash to where the delicious smells were coming from with an expectorant face but we knew we'd have to wait unless there was a spare cake that didn't turn out just right we could ask for.

Time to get the Scotch Broth and bread out for lunch.

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