Friday, November 19


There's really two things that come into this week.

The first is I know people do appreciate my quick decisive nature once I have reviewed all the relevant points and formed  a clear view on where the priorities lie not being one to prevaricate on them.

To me not to make a decision is itself a decision by default with consequences so you can't which was why things happened the way they and the one person it applies to cannot expect to return to the fold.

It's also clear that others dealing with same said person took a robust line themselves.

It was always the case from being in Juniors that I would deal with things if they needed to be from bullying to casual racism when a few others preferred a quite life to later on in my life.

I don't duck acting and don't get involved in any plotting nor bare grudges.

Americans will be marking Thanksgiving next week, Canadians had theirs a month earlier where people will be giving thanks to those things and people that make lives more bearable even possible which outside of a few communities in the UK we don't mark.

Never really understood why not personally.

To them I say Happy Thanksgiving.

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