Friday, December 10

The season begins...

It is Friday but as it was been both a very stormy and probably will be snowy for good measure midweek this is being typed ahead of publication date.

Another reason is Wednesday is booster rocket injection day so I want to ensure I'll have a few clear days to recover from the grogginess that can bring.

Back to post and it is starting to look more like Christmas about with houses including ours sprouting various lights, seasonal creatures such as Reindeer and posters have appeared for a community church based Christmas show in three sittings no less!

We have our community Christmas tree put and funded by us, the people this year as the Council decided not to for reason too wrapped in political talk I prefer to keep off blog just said they weren't doing it.

Frankly I much prefer reading this which I had pre-ordered not being a regular issue included in my subscription a while back which is the Christmas special rather like the Summer ones with all new adventures.

I usually save them unlike the majority of regular comics simply cos I'd never have the space for all of them.

Before I forget, we will pause briefly after next Friday for a Christmas special which will be synchronized with the other blog.

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