Friday, May 27

Remastering a blog

This week I am struggling a bit with very painful, swollen fingers so I have not been as able to be about online as much as I might like needing to take much rest between tasks.

Something I have been working on in dribs and drabs is dealing with a legacy issue on Scouting & Me, a blog of mine as a few might recall that started its life way back in December 2018 on Tumblr and the blogger version was just a more extended version.

Posts,typical pictures that came from others followed the Tumblr convention of reblogs with extra content but in time a good number of accounts that I reblogged from went and Tumblr started either removing or putting up banners covering pictures.

This had caused a few problems before needing me to research and replace those images, the last time being around Christmas time but while checking through the blog at the beginning of the week I noticed a further group had gone.

This meant that firstly those need replacing straight away with the picture research that goes with such a task and secondly that it was increasingly obvious I needed to set up a program of capturing and reloading all that posted that way to ensure they were not lost.

Generally if I originated the whole post or needed to correct an image because of issues with exposure or colour fades then I posted that as saved file to Blogger rather than linking to the original with a back link.

Thus I'm slowly getting through them, which probably aggrovated my hand and wrist condition and while at it correcting a few altering text layouts and adding the odd bit of additional information.

You might say I'm polishing or 'remastering' the blog seeing the tumblr form went in 2020 completely so there's less of a need to keep to that format as much as those early posts do matter to me not least when some observations are painfully personal.

The resumption of the Adventure of Life that started with that blog in its original form, through the many challenges we have all faced  going forward did me more good than anything.

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