Friday, September 2

Memories of the school bus


This time of year brings back memories as next week, school is back in England and I suspect for some of us the school bus is one possibly the best and the worst rolled in one.

If you were very lucky you may of had a escort in addition to the driver to deal what often happens when a group children are all together in a confined space.

One starts whispering things in the ear of another as the other soon enough works out they are the subject and dispute breaks out, meanwhile another starts pulling a girls braids or pony tail which is followed by screams as typically one boy starts a fight with the other over football or a girl.

Soon enough the bus stops and everyones told to "cut it out" and you're all back in your seats.

Some of the things I had was travelling all the way down to London and back sat on a upturned bin as we has insufficient seats, holding on as the bus would sway to side to side and vibrate as we went over potholes.

Another was trying to stop an unsecured wheelchair sliding in the back of bus coming toward me in those days where modern health and safety seemed eons away.

Somehow travelling on train was just a bit more civilized.

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