Friday, November 25

The life changed

 After last weeks excursion into different topics from the norm on here, we do get back to more core things this week which has been a pretty much wet and cool one with temperatures only just about 6 degrees out on one day.

One thing that you cannot entirely eliminate is the possibility of either being spotted by people who know you while out or perhaps people who just turn up while passing which in any kind of life that some people can be judgemental over might concern you.

A good chunk of my family are within our city region with many within a five mile radius, legacy of the days when people here worked in the local pits, potteries, steelworks and engineering concerns that were on our doorsteps.

Anyway I do have a good number of surviving aunts and uncles as much as in recent years the number has been thinned out as it were and quite unexpectedly my Uncle Len called while at my parents who are very used to seeing a "boy" in their company.

He called really for Dad cos he's know a lot around electronics and mechanical engineering repairing  things like vintage radios of which Uncle Len had just bought one from an auction house nearby.

He also has quite a collection of clocks.

It is several years since I have seen him, before covid for sure and within that time I have moved very much away from any meaningful adult presentation either by attire and by social position too within the family and with other adults.

He had not for several decades at least seen any version of me that wore grey short trousers, long turn over top socks and school tops and even if I had the inclination to, there was no time to change.

All I could do is just get on with it and be prepared answer anything.

He was talking mainly with my father and then mum as prompted by that universal habit of parents to show photographs of family, he remarked on how much "your son takes after you" and "how is he" which probably a reflection on the deferental child to parent relating style where by I only join in adult to adult conversations when invited in which I was to talk a little about what I had been up to only then taking direct supplimentary points.

I'm generally expected to read or "play" entertaining myself unless I'm in on the conversation or event.

Suprisingly the very altered physical presentation from when I last saw him didn't seem to faze him nor did the clear lack of relating to him as adult as mentally at least this could of been a conversation between a teenage me and him if not a couple of years younger.

As it came to time for him to be off, I shook hands with him.

Things had gone better than I had thought they may of and on reflection that I am at one with being this adult in law but child.

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