Friday, March 10

Roll up Blue Peter presenter No. 42


It was announced late Monday who the 42nd Blue Peter presenter was going to be following Richie's departure last Friday watched as ever by me, long term super fan of the show.

Falkirk, Scotland resident and paralympian sports star Abby Cook, aged 20, was appointed with a challenge from the get go of abselling down a viaduct which should prove interesting as she's a racer by sport.

How many years have I looked for the moment this iconic show would decide to feature a disabled presenter as someone with physical disabilities myself as good as the show has been for showing things like disability sports, moving on from the days when the only time someone was on a show was to raise funds for charity?


The shows editor Ellen Evans said."We knew Abby would be great as she has a real affinity for working with young people and the biggest heart".

Abby has worked encouraging disabled and non disabled young people get active with Forth Valley Disabilty Sport.

This appointment is just brilliant.

The final word should go to her who said "I was speechless when I found out. I was very emotional knowing I'd be presenting a show I love and grew up with."

I'll be watching tonight.

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