Friday, May 26

Thoughts around Rolf Harris

It's Friday so it's blog time with propably the most difficult post make on this blog that encrouches into a big chunk of my own childhood with the announcement on Tuesday Mr Rolf Harris had died.

If you were around from the turn of the 1970's onwards watched television a lot you saw a lot of him on art and skit based shows throughout that decade and right into the early 2000's you followed his career because those shows were great shows, inspiring you to draw at a time arts education in school tend to put you down and helped promote caring for animals.

You watched shows like Rolf's On Saturday-OK and later on Animal Hospital, might of had the Annuals those shows published at the time.

You may have Two Little Boys as song he did not write but popularized in 1970 as one of very first musical experiences and it is a lovely song of long lasting boyfriendship. It's a personal favourite.

You have to balence all of that and what means with the other side, that he was convicted of abuse against women and girls which no one can condone not least those of us who have been through such things and have worked to bring to justice those responsible.

People seldom come in totally black and white packages so that death is noted for how I felt as that child and young person in the era and certainly not for what rightly he did time for.

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