Friday, June 30

Thoughts at rest

I'm not feeling too good presently, indeed haven't since Tuesday with one of my periodic migraines so I'm in bed, curtains drawn resting with a bit of music at a low volume on to mask background noises from next door and the road.

There are a few things on order for late next week such as couple of cd sets one of which directly links to boyhood favourites in the era very much of Junior Choice with funny songs and audio stories very much for children and another the start in another decade of Now Yearbooks, this time the nineteen nineties.

It was an odd decade where much of the landscape of the Modern World was forged both politically and also when it comes to technology and culture as computing move from the industrial and academic to the home with the first internet connected personal computers even if most were still tower pc's unlike today with everything around portability such as laptops, chromebooks, tablets and "smart"phones.

Sports and Media personalities got everywhere almost like brands and like Mr Blobby could have a part on shows, a record and in his case a theme park.

Some media were predicted to go such as records with the closure of EMI's Hayes, Middlesex plant in the early nineties but not only survived it but have seen a major resurgence this decade.

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