Friday, September 29

So long Mwaksy

It's that cycle I've been going through for a long time and that younger fans often appear to dread as they form attachments to particular presenters as if their world is about to end and that is Blue Peter presenter 39 announced on Friday September 15th she would be leaving at the end of the month.

Mwaksy Mudenda joined the longstanding show on May 14th 2020 which was a very difficult time not just for children as we were in middle of the Covid Pandemic with schools, recreationial  facilities shut but even restictions on when and how often you could play.

If that wasn't enough the show itself couldn't take place within the studio with a lot of restrictions on any outdoor recorded segments so it was she burst into our living rooms from her own.

Like many she also tested positive and had to stay home.

The main challenge was helping children cope with the disruption, maintaining social connections and showing what you could do to keep positive, trying out new skills and sports even in an era of social distancing,

In that her zest for life, resourcefulness and tendency to break out into song aided by her personal Christian faith helped a great deal.

Makes were something she excelled in such as cooking meals, learning how to be Chocolater and she did take part in a Doctor Who stage show playing a Dalek.

She learned British Sign Language and joined a sign choir signing away to hymns.

A special "looking back" show will be aired tonight on CBBC looking at her three years and One hundred and twenty four days tenure.

While at times she may by older standards appeared to on the edge of getting a bit carried away she provided what the core audience needed at that time and I wish her all the best in her future endeavours.

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