Friday, October 13

Sorting through past effects and that

Another week on the and not just talking about innate objects blog as that's the thing with it not least with with its origins, the way the old photography blog forms a part of this even if chunks of photography today tend to be more on the scouting and related blog.

Part of this week has been devoted to cleaning up a bundle of long lost classical records that were found in Mum's room filed in almost Vogan style behind a chest and covered over to put anyone off the scent from the time there were issues with the roofing and associated leaks.

I'm also starting to think more about how that that intergrates to the reminder dealing with things such as recordings of the same works and also beyond what I mentioned on the other blog on Monday with new recordings but adding the odd period recording.

The other side of things is really more around how you're seen like I went to put out the Garden/Foodwaste bin around the time school ends so you go out and coming back the grand parent of child comes past with a seven year old girl who spots you.

They live just next door!

You are in your primary friendly poloshirt, grey short school short trousers and grey school socks as he nods to you knowing you're Dad's son helping out, are wondering how he'd explain this "big boy" that doesn't look anything like him to the girl and who knows roughly how old dad is to do a rough and ready calculation to what age you might be.

Pretty much everybody here is used to it as much as at weekends and school hols I alter presention to align more with what bio-boys would wear who generally speaking can't wait to be out of uniform unless we're looking more at "sunday best" type situation

That's the reality of this life when you're not in the closet: You own it.

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