Wednesday, December 20

The Christmas break

 This is being put together at the weekend as that's very much when with me things drop off as Christmas comes into its own with places to go and people to see before the day itself starts which is normally when they'd be a post as Christmas Day this year falls on a Monday.

From memory we were strongly encouraged to sing without an electrical amplification, projecting our voices when not singing our own versions of "Jingle Bells, Robin Smells Batman fly away" and "When shephards washed their socks by night".

Santa was about on his sleigh last night ho-ho-hoeing to carols and modern christmas classics going from house to house and that's more the side of Christmas I enjoy the most

Christmas with me has always been a boys thing and no doubt if you were to drop in I'd be looking very much like these boys having just the same sort of christmas as any bio-boy which suits me right down to the ground.

Tanks to everyone enjoying the forum.


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