Friday, January 12

A week of activity

 Things that I have been working on this week include arrangements for going away next month from a bit of thought about what to wear as there was some talk about making a boat and taking it on water which might prove interesting as I'm not that able at staying upright and getting inside without at least some assistance as my left side is a somewhat weak and probably would be better of using walking aids and a wheelchair sometimes.

It's just when you're unable to drive you can't easily use trains carrying all that plus your case with you and getting on and off unaided.

An other element is preparing a quiz cos you cannot go to an event unless you're paying someone to put things without people being prepared to organize them themselves and that takes you into bringing what you need to undertake it.

For me that meant compiling the questions, checking the answers and printing a quiz sheet so people can just work through and place their answers on the sheet for marking and selecting suitable prizes.

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