Friday, August 30

Stuff to consider when out together


That's where at least I'm at emulating although my shorts don't have turn ups (and I can only think of a couple of casual shorts that had a shorter turnover.

What I'm talking about this week refers to even in places that won't be named by people whose name, gender and that aren't going to be disclosed  but because I feel the subject needs some talking about.

The redacted version is a person was seen off site on a photograph engaged in and having attire more associated with "adult content" tm - how the photograph came to be seen is another matter.

Normal rules are: no pictures without permission, no identifying features of site to deal with reverse image searches.

Thing is if some place in full public view in less than a quarter mile is where you are doing something "adult", there's every probablity people staying very near you may see it and it wouldn't take much enquiring to find where you might stay and they may of seen you around a day or so before too.

Thus the likelihood is your group is likely to be outed probably in a state of disgrace to the venue holder who is likely to bar you from future bookings.

That understandably really annoyed the person in whose name the booking was made as they'd be one dealing with the fall out.

I raise it as a reminder of why as LB's we have to be mindful of how some who have other interests which legally they've every right to, IF NOT CHALLENGED,  can impact our days away if we don't make it clear when we consider acceptable behaviour while together and some of those things *may* be best in either totally in private or at some more "adult" event even if that's your bag.

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