Friday, September 20

Computer use, engagement and manners

Certain parts of the internet are going into overdrive regarding a certain beatles box set release that I'm undecided if we'll review here or elsewhere, that's not really what we'll be dealing with as such this topsy turvey weatherwise week.

Yes there is more to life than them but really it was way internet behaviour shows itself of which discussion about that and another topic that's really more the topic.

One being the topic of different times - some things are seen as normal the past that may not be the lack of connectedness in the world such as popular culture took longer to travel around the time so film titles, record releases and the like varied for good local reasons in much the same way our schools and how they dealt with us has changed with some things thank goodness  are gone and others  now present causing modern concerns.

Younger members posting lacked - and failed to look into - why that all happened even though there's a whole industry writing books plus a good few websites that cover those points.

They just had a view everything is as it is now in a way that, for instance when I was in school studying say history or discussing topics we were always made aware of differences in what was seen as accepted at the time and the issues people were grappling with.

Like the Reformation was as much about religion as diplomacy and politics with plotting and counter plotting that individuals might find themselves in the middle of.

The other was what I'd call the drive by post where a person posts a question and is heard of no more with no thanks or further questions to gain clarification leading to a resolution of he question.

It's left in mid air with those who replied feeling used or toyed with where we were expected to engage having asked the question and thank them for their contributions.

That was really the way these posts left me thinking and very much why I'm typing this here.

Friday, September 13

Then and Now


Now there were and area many ways boys presented that whole unfastened not tucked in shirt look is one I could never seen been accepted from the 1980's and before simple because shirts were seen as formal attire and those had to be fastened even if some casual sorts would leave the collar unfastened and not entertain ties.

While in the 1980's I accepted trainers and indeed did wear them the idea of wearing them short ankle socks with tailored short trousers again wasn't something we did, you'd wear them with games shorts or tracksuit bottoms.

As to the shorts length, well they're so long and one really does wonder just why as the 1990's moved into the 2000's they became almost knee length rather like in Football one minute were were still in fairly short shorts and then - Wham! - they came so long.

I remember bursting out loud laughing when I first saw them and yet by the end of that season, near enough every Premiership time had adopted them.

While it is fashionable to sneer at Enid Blyton and many more classic authors in favour of those who slavishly follow every P.C. cause and push issue after issue in what is supposed to be a jolly fun read which is why we always used to encourage reading, suprisingly these authors we read are still popular with children.

A gripping yarn is really all that matters.

Friday, September 6


The week before school returned tended to be an option for holidays as short of of getting a B&B in Blackpool around Autumn Half Term where with the lights being up and running there season was longer than pretty much anybodys that was as good as it got if we couldn't of get something fixed a good couple of months in advance.

Across the decades though spending a good day or so in Llandudno in September is very much a ritual that has its start point in those day and so by the time you see this, then I should be off walking along the prom, down the pier jetting out into the sea and visiting shops.

There won't however be any record shopping unless there is a collectors fair on as the town lost its independent store and then in recent years the HMV branch due to rent issues between landlord and group which is a pity as I used to enjoy that a lot.

Stuffed toys, coconut ice, ice cream and fish and chips are likely to be on the agenda.