Friday, September 27

Moving on


As you may of guessed or perhaps might of directly experienced it's a very wet day rather like the weekend gone minus the storms so I'm stuck here, eating a banana.

One thing over the time as we get towards Christmas and with it the anniversary of period Mum became very unwell is in the literal sense, picking up all the pieces because unlike the heavy magazine and tv push on minimalism, having little more than the clothes you usually wear, just the furniture and fittings you need Mum was the more the opposite.

She had wardrobes full and beyond say her books which were quite considerable set out on shelves, she was heavily into cutting articles out of magazines and newspapers, even saving whole pull sections and part works on themes that interested her.

Some had been moved out of her room by Dad but left very much as is so yesterday I worked through some and removed a chunk that were not really connected with her while keeping such as features on aircraft she'd help build, her interest in football such that of her last programs for matches she attended and moved books that were just left strewn downstairs into the vacated spots to both tidy things up and in a obvious way move things on rather than leaving the placing looking more like a well preserved shrine

Personally I feel that's really rather more what she'd of wanted, life going on and the life of house reflecting that as much as you hold on to some effects as much as the memories.

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