Friday, October 13

Grandfather and boy

"Being" is a concept I feel defies logical explanation so much it is something you move and feel emotionally in as one and so I think it's sensible to just talk about it.
 My Grandfather was a very keen gardener although he lived in fairly small house aided by the garden at the rear being quite long so either side of the area used for sitting out in and play, he often had various plants and flowers planted such as honeysuckles and roses grown from cuttings or seeds.
It was a passion he shared with me, taking me to see various parks to see the municipal  displays, walking me down the the market stall sellers where we'd buy them to plant very much man and boy.
In his world being masculine didn't preclude nurturing something tenderly helping to raise it nor did it mean you couldn't appreciate beauty. I was always proud to be his favourite boy.

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