Friday, October 27

Play 1 - Fall Edition

Play took differing forms, some were  all year around and while others were very much seasonal which is where we'll begin I think.
 One I well remember from Junior school only lasted for a few weeks but was at the forefront of our minds was playing conkers which as a boy I looked forward too.
The conker was basically a Horse Chestnut of which a god number came down during the fall to which we'd eagerly gather up splitting open the thorny encasement to remove the horse chestnut from it and then we'd soak them in vinegar to harden them before putting a hole in.
We normally used strong string tightly fastened at the conker end.
What you'd do is one of you would hold theirs straight while you strike it with your own until one of the two broke and the winning one would play against another until we had a winner amongst Junior Boys.
Today it is much frowned on in case any debris lands in a boys eye but this as with many related things just wasn't on the horizon back then.

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