Friday, November 3

Penny for the guy!

Another month begins in the existence of this blog and there's something I'm interested in sharing.

This time of year in the UK is connected for many of us with marking the attempt by Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605 which failed when the plot was discovered.
This is usually marked by a big bonfire where an effigy of Guy Fawkes having been made is burned followed by a celebratory display of fireworks during which sparklers are handed around for people to make shapes and words with in the pitch black sky.
Until fairly recently school boys like myself would spend some time making a such a Guy from waste material such as straw, dressing him in old clothes nobody needed and a hat and we'd taking him around street corners shouting loudly "Penny for the guy".
Making him was a source of pride, showing your boyish ingenuity as people usually grown ups would give you money which came in handy in run up to Christmas eeking our our pocket money.
We learned to work to earn money by our own efforts a valuable lesson for us as we grew up.

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