Friday, November 10

Junior school uniform

A big part of the life I had centred around being at school, sometimes just that at other times more around the social connections, the friendships that might lead to coming home to another boys house and being fed by their Mommy.

One thing about all the schools I attended was they had some form of uniform or another that naturally every boy (and girl) had to comply with.
At my junior school we boys wore grey long sleeved shirts with thick collars that were fully buttoned, white vests and white 'Y Front' underpants and grey three-quarter length socks.
As well we had  a red and white diagonal striped tie just like the one in this picture and charcoal grey shorts which were lined so they were surprisingly warm  when compared to sports shorts and certainly I felt cooler in long school trousers later on in my schooldays.
Fastening that tie was something I struggled with (and still do) so I made a point of being friendly with at least one boy so if I needed it putting back on after games say, there was someone I could ask to do it for me as like every boy I was subject to full school rules at all times and having on properly fastened was one of them.
I was always happy to wear that tie.

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