Friday, February 9

Paused online boy

There's a couple of things I'd like to talk about during this week where actually I'm not right by this computer today thanks to the miracle of scheduling.
The first being during my childhood it wasn't until my mid teens that any kind of personal computer as compared to the big ones used in corporations and government really came into being.
The computers I had then included a Commodore 64 which I used for by modern standards basic word processing and games plus I did learn a bit about coding using basic.
A few years later they did come into schools as apart of a Education Department and BBC initiative where software and hardware was made specifically for schools where until the need for internet connectivity and the use of newer programs by the likes of Microsoft  in the 2000's they remained.
Fur most of that period I was in extended Boy Mode typically wearing shorts and grey boys socks too so this image wouldn't be too far off the mark for how I was presenting.
The other thing was it was that connectivity that lead me looking into the whole areas of age regression, people who do have a keen interest in their pasts such as school lives and uniforms that lead up to this blog.

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