Friday, February 2

Lonely in the crowd.

This week I'm continuing on with talking a bit about myself and part of what was and remains my special needs.
From a very early age I was the kind of boy who'd sit for some length of time pondering some idea or situation by myself not least because one thing about me is I never really know what was going one around me and if I had done the right thing because I'm a bit clueless like that.
I have social anxiety, have problems in making sense of what people say and do and it plays on this to the point I feel very much overwhelmed, I withdraw and this was really bad at my Junior School because other boys would just ignore me or worse still start bullying me cos I'm 'not getting it' but none of them wants to help explain this so at least I can try to fit in better.
That's the thing with me. You have to tell me things that other boys just 'see' and 'get' straight off the bat which to be fair most of my teachers do but no other grown up in my life seems to.

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