Friday, March 23

Cub Scout Camp season

In a week that has seen the start of Spring even though we started the week with heavy snow  and has ended with warmer temperatures  and the spring Daffodils coming into full bloom thoughts always move toward things such as being away with others.
 As I explained earlier on, my parents didn't enrol me in Cub Scouts probably because they didn't think they had a use for a disabled boy in the pack even though later I learned packs in my era did.
I would of loved to have gone on an organized cub scout or main scouts week long camp because although it would of been hard for me, I felt at the time I needed the structures, discipline and character building that not only being a part of such an youth organization could of helped instill in me but also they would help me become more independent and self confident as one of the boys helping with that bond too.
Boys at least as I recall tend to have blind spots about packing often leaving it to Mothers to do for them but how would they know what to pack because a weeks clothing and so on is quite a weight?
This drawing is actually very good for explaining what you'd take and why you would such as Poncho's for keeping dry which in the country can be a problem during spring and early summer with showers as well as your regular uniform which to be honest is something I've always coveted from having seen my siblings at the time.
When it comes to swimming trunks, while most boys tended to wear the tradition V shaped trunks, I always preferred the more squarer trunks styled more like short legged shorts with a mesh lining.
The narrow aerodynamic Speedo types weren't around at the time that just fitted where needed for speed in competition swimming.

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