Friday, March 30

Easter Boy

Easter was a time when we did a lot of arts and crafts, making home made Easter cards  from card and felt or making Easter Bonnets which I vividaly recall making of been around thirteen years old at my secondary boarding school.
I often needed help and I was helped by a classroom assistant to make my hat based on the ideas I communicated so it was my work just helped as needed to realize it.
I used thick card to make the brim and top and the used a lot of felt and other pre cut shapes to  decorate it, proudly wearing it that weekend as it was one where we'd go home on the transport provided for us

Easter of course means Easter Egg hunts that are most popular as the Easter Bunny has hidden them in the most obscure places and often a Big Egg from our school and parents too that I always looked forward to.
Happy Easter everyone!

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