Friday, June 22

Chris's colouring

With all this World Cup activity  going on I've been super excited for the last fortnight or let's say glued to the tv, reading reviews of matches apart from putting my own footy shorts and that, kicking a ball about.
That's not all I am interested in though not by a long shot.
One thing in general people have been talking about in the last few years has been an explosion in the interest of colouring especially by adults for relaxation with more advanced books for them produced and better stocks of pencils and felt-tipped pens being held.
If as people have been saying it has helped them cope with stresses and anxiety then that's great.
For somebody like me colouring is more linked into the act of age regressing being very much that schoolboy of ten all over again in my head so I do it for the same reasons one did back then, for fun. 
When it comes to most children's colour books which are more the sort I'm looking at you tend to find they are either more infants or more intricate girlish ones so one would be left with something 'too young' or requiring a bit more skill than I have with my disabilities and not really around my interests.
Seeing I was needing a newer one, this is what I got something with  exciting things that appeal to me that is also bit more of a challenge do colour neatly.
I also think having a gendered one will be a good thing as I can enjoy being a boy colouring boyish things will help me develop a more positive image of the boy I am, embracing it.

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