Friday, August 3

First anniversary post

One year ago, I decided to write a new blog after a very long gap that went back to the mid 2000's when I briefly had a blog on Friends Reunited and after that folded although I like many looked at many sites and blogs, some with now dead hosts I never really found anywhere I felt so comfortable in.

Part of that is because what I am about and what since starting this blog I have found other people about tends to fall between what some people will accept in mainstream sites for non minors and what other people put in with 'adult content' even though there isn't anything that actually meets its everyday definitions.

Part of this is different people use terms and labels as they feel fit but for me being an Adult School Boy is routed more what comes under Age Regression, the extent to which you revert back to being a child, specifically a boy of school age for me from which your actions such as playing etc flow from freely rather than Age Play which is more about acting in accordance of persona of a certain age from an Adult mindset and which may take you into certain adult areas.

For me when I am in a more School Based setting I'm not re-imagining my own education experiences so much as I am reliving those days as if today was that day studying in the way that we did and very much of the mind of that child.

While my era was one that certainly did include a lot of 'chalk and talk', a strongly deferential Sir and child distinction and spanking for one thing it isn't all about on getting a spanking by going to a 'headmaster' figure in a (vintage) uniform as an end in itself.

Far from it, for me the act of reliving ones school days by studying more in way we did, wearing the kind of uniform we did is connected more around the disciplines required to master subjects.

Given the all too real difficulties I have in learning, learning in a more structured, purposeful way with a strong emphasis on mastering facts and skills it aids me as a person who struggled first time around.

People do have different points of view around spanking and if it should be in that relived experience (it doesn't have to be and this blog has never been about spanking) but in so far as it applies to me, it only applies if by the norms of that era I did something that would of resulted in it rather than my actively seeking it having accepted that as legal adult.

One thing I touched on very early on within the blog too some of my own personal struggles  such as dealing with multiple disabilities which for me was very much a part of my own childhood which is an area of this life I freely talk about not least because at least in someways society - and that includes you - has moved on even if one one hand we have still pockets of outright discrimination and abuse and on the other patronizing highly Pc attitudes that only undermine not just our self worth but also of expecting us to ' be wrapped in cotton wool' and not expected to work within the same social expectations and everyday rules as everyone else.

Another area is the mish-mash around sex and gender roles and identities where by the standards of that era although I liked being a boy, some of the things I naturally liked tended to be looked down on for being more 'girlish' which at times left me feeling very much an outsider in my own shell.

When I started this blog, it was before I started to directly follow and interact even with people on social media in which I arrived in April, pretty 'green' on Tumblr with a Tumblr a bit like this blog that has built up a fairly big following.

Through that interaction and people just being open about themselves I have become much more confident around who I am.

Recently I had the opportunity to engage with others in a water fight, the kind of thing you may well of done but for a variety of reasons I never did.
Going out with some old clothes on - a t shirt and football shorts - I went out armed with a water pistol, fully loaded.

I approached my adversaries at close quarters, making eye contact firing at them as I felt alive in my boy physic repealing them as they soaked me, not giving up until the very end even as my face and eyes were covered.
I stood up for myself, channeling my masculine sides energy through me with no shame nor fear in the presence of others.

I stood there having faced down my fears and issues victorious. I had shown myself to be a Real Boy and it felt good.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on taking a jolly good stab at describing a highly complex situation. It isn't an easy thing to explain but you have done it very well. The water fight sounded like fun sadly in my experience some joker always turned up with the equivalent of a tactical nuke in the form of a bucket full of cold water! A lovely article thanks.
