Friday, October 12

Math studies

Following on from Wednesday post, much of what I have been writing about so far in has been about childhood pasts, the nature of age regression as it applies to me, school uniform, personal development and being an adult school boy.

With me the notion of being an adult school boy or an adult little boy while covering all of that isn't a question of donning a uniform or play outfit and playing as if I was chronologically that age although that is part of it as for me in age regression that 'inner boy' comes out but also contextual.

With the exception of holidays (Vacations to North American readers), the life we lived was set with two days complete free time subject to whatever our families customs were and any restriction that may of been put on because of our behaviour.
The remaining five were taken up mainly by school where we worked on various subjects which in my country meant at the ages of five through eleven mainly a single teacher who taught Math, English, Humanities, Science, French (we had a dedicated French teacher) and Games with P.E. (physical exercise).

It happens I do have difficulties with Math being dyslexic some of which today would of been picked up within school but at the time were not such as difficulties with multiplication and division but were not.

It probably wasn't helped too much by the tendency to teach at the average class level and then change topic rather than dealing with my specific problems.
One thing I am doing now is working through the equivalent today of the Math we were taught in that era but using a modern study book with explanations and questions to answer to go over the concepts again so hopefully I'll get a better grounding on number work, angles and so on.

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