Wednesday, October 10

The Traditional Schoolboy 2

In April of this year I talked of my arrival at the social media site, Tumblr and at the same time introduced myself to a group of people usually in the adult little boy or Adult Schoolboy communities that I had spotted prior to joining it
So far in I have around one thousand two hundred fifty posts on it, a good proportion being originals with commentary  too and have over two hundred fifty followers which you may say is actually pretty good going for a completely fresh account and tumblr blog.
Being on Tumblr has given me a number of opportunities to get to know more people, lead to me joining one site even though that's on a hiatus as of now and starting one of my own up.
Recently however, I had the opportunity of taking over another's underused blog on Tumblr and after some negotiation last week I have taken that over and it's that I wish to talk a little about.
There were a number of things that lead to it of one was in becoming a group blog even if group participation is low and usually amounts to the odd submission and having it minded when I'm away, being a group blog leads to problems on tumblr.
For reasons best known to itself they remove the ability for the  blog to send 'Asks' to other blogs and to send and receive streamed messaging which on the face of it would actually be jolly useful between people on a group tumblr nevermind anything else.
Getting it gives me the means now of interacting more with people onsite because I can send an ask and message a blog whereas before I could only receive asks.
The other thing is I can use it to post the odd more cuter post on there as well as some discussion around topics without getting the main tumbler being too discourse heavy.
That blog has needless to say been retitled by me to The Traditional Schoolboy 2 after my main one and while I have kept their  header which I quite like I have added my blog description on and change the avatar over to mine which unless forced into it I have no intentions of changing. 
One thing you will find in that description is clear cut statement about it being being the blog of masculine gendered adult schoolboy with no ifs and maybes in there which was not in that blogs original and was added a short while back to my original one.
Some of that ties in with the changes in my life over the time of both this blog and being on tumblr and some is also connected to own views around how men and boys  are seen and treated in society.
In general I have a lot of time for the Men's Movement in their work helping men and boys find the joy of being themselves in a male body, in looking a better ways to work together that include respect the rights of men and boys to be themselves and for the things that make us different to be recognized and respected. 
To be different is not to be inferior or 'a problem' but a strength not least in the business of raising boys and helping men to be the best they can when having that first hand knowledge of what makes a lad or a bloke 'tick' is a lot more useful having just done a course on 'gender studies' particularly if the person is a female cos ultimately she can't know 'us' anymore than we know what it means to be a girl or a woman. It's an experienced thing she can't have.

You may also of seen this around sign around as well and that also is a for a reason namely that there is a lot be said for having spaces for and spending time in slots that are just for boys to talk and bond as boys together.
It's certainly not to suggest there is anything wrong with mixing with females but to recognizes as some women and female organizations themselves do that single gender spots have a place within a mixed gendered environment for discussions and bonding.
Being honest about this and by having such spaces males and females can have more co-operative relationships that recognize and respect differences.
While I haven't a problem with female followers, my tumblrs are targeted at and are for boys.
I also feel the drive to push boys toward more overly feminine ways not only fails to address the way in which for most of us we  are hard wired to be males but also leads to a load of lost boys, boys that don't seem to know what it is it they are, how we act and how to make that work for them,  leaving them out of  the male social circle that would aid them mature as adults and unable to relate as a mature male to mature females later on in life with a role and purpose in it.


  1. Hi.I am a adult schoolboy who wears short schoolboys shorts. Can I chat with name is Philip.

  2. I like you. I wish I could have met you and spanked your backside.

  3. I would like to meet up with you

  4. I am a lifelong ASB and would love to exchange with other genuine adult schoolboys

  5. I too, have a fetish for wearing schoolboys short trousers. I only have one pair of grey school shorts. I would like to have buttons on for braces but can't sew. I like to wear braces over my pullover and be wanked and spanked on my bare thigh.
